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Think you’re the modern-day Jeff Hornacek of the CRE industry? Come show off your shooting skills, win prizes grab a drink and have fun networking on the rooftop of PEG’s new multifamily facility – Seven 02 Main – in Salt Lake City
3 Point Shootout and Free Throw Contests will begin at 4 pm, with the leaders vying in a final shootout from 5:45-6pm.


Prizes for the top winners!


Seven 02 Main
702 Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT
Entrance is on the northeast side of the building. Street parking available or take TRAX to the 650 S. stop for a half block walk.

Drinks and Snacks Provided. The event will go rain or shine, as there is an indoor clubhouse attached.

Date & Time:
Tuesday March 26th from 4-6pm
Members Cost: Free
Non Members Cost: $30
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